Chiropractic Care in Spring Grove IL

Given the incredible healing powers of chiropractic care, it has become a very popular treatment option for millions of patients throughout the world. From eliminating annoying headaches to helping rejuvenate muscles and ligaments, there are many benefits to chiropractic solutions. However, you don’t want to choose just anyone for chiropractic services in Spring Grove IL. Only certified chiropractors should handle these specialized techniques given the risks involved. If done incorrectly, these techniques can make the injury or discomfort even worse. If you live in Spring Grove, Johnsburg, or the surrounding area, then Back In Motion Physical Therapy and Spine Center should be your chiropractor of choice. We have very reliable and experienced health professionals who can properly diagnose and treat whatever condition you may have.
What is Treated By Chiropractic Care in Spring Grove IL
If you’ve never been to a chiropractor before, then you may be wondering what conditions they treat. Generally, chiropractors deal with issues in the musculoskeletal system. If you’re dealing with issues in your neck, back, or spine, a chiropractor is going to be a top solution for your needs. Furthermore, if you’re dealing with headaches or discomfort in other areas of your body, a chiropractor can also help to relieve these issues. Take a look at the common conditions treated by a chiropractor:
- Neck and back pain
- Headaches
- Auto accident injuries
- Herniated disc
- Sciatica
- Sports injuries
- And more!
What to Expect from Our Chiropractor
On your initial visit with us, we’ll first have you fill out the necessary paperwork regarding your medical history, medications you take, and other required information. After that, you’ll have a consultation with our chiropractor, Sonia Kwapisinski. She’ll ask you numerous questions about your pain or discomfort and discuss the full details of the recommended treatment options. During this process, Dr. Kwapisinski will perform a comprehensive examination that’ll test reflexes and flexibility. From there, you both should have a good idea of the treatment plan that will follow. Included in that treatment plan will most likely be a series of chiropractic adjustments. Depending on your treatment plan, these adjustments will consist of added pressure to your spine, which will include fast thrusts used to manipulate the spine. This process usually isn’t painful and the results are incredible. In fact, patients usually feel relief just seconds after an adjustment!
Call Us Today
Back pain, neck pain, and other issues in the body can leave you feeling sluggish, unmotivated, and uncomfortable. If you’re looking to take away the pain and return to a healthy life, then give Back In Motion Physical Therapy and Spine Center a call today!
Contact Back In Motion Physical Therapy and Spine Center in Spring Grove IL to request an appointment today!
9:00am - 7:00pm
11:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Back In Motion Physical Therapy and Spine Center
2900 US-12 Suite J
Spring Grove, IL 60081
P: (815) 675-0699
F: (815) 675-0689